Do It All at

From better fuel and gas savings, to the cleanest car washes and convenient comfort food, we are dedicated to always bringing the best customer service to our communities.

Interior full shot of a U-Stop convenience shop by the snack section
full shot of U-Stop 73rd and Pine Lake location displaying a part of Soapatopia and the U-Stop Phillips 66 gas station

Phillips 66 Top Tier Fuels can help you drive farther, longer.

Fill up now for better fuel to help keep you on the road.

The Gas That Keeps You Going


Regular use of TOP TIER™ helps prevent the loss of critical fuel economy


TOP TIER™  cleans existing engine deposits after just a few tanks


TOP TIER™ can reduce sticking valves, fouled plugs, valve damage and more

Download Fuel Forward App to Save on Gas

Now you can pay at the pump using your smart phone with our mobile app! Available at all U-Stop locations. Download it for FREE today!

right hand of a young male holding a phone displaying the fuel forward app login